DNA Craze
DNA is one of the current crazes of society. Everyone is mesmerized with the research of finding who their ancestors are. People are even buying DNA kits, convinced the kit will prove their relationship with someone famous in history.
Will a DNA kit honestly verify something like that? Ancientry.com wants everyone to believe that anyway. I doubt the accuracy of the kit. DNA is similar to fingerprints. Matches can only be made if the DNA sample is registered. Additionally, the DNA within families is so similar, mistakes came easily be made. Can those mistakes go as far as third or even fourth cousins? That would mean the relationship could be disproportionately flawed.
According to the hearsay within my own family, we have a touch of Sioux blood running through our veins. Not enough for any of us to reap any benefits now that my grandmother and mother has passed on. My grandmother was one half Sioux. There’s doubt that she could have proved it, however. For one reason, she didn’t care all that much about her heritage. My mother care, but not enough to get into the work of doing any research. I did a little research during the later years of my thirties. I couldn’t find anything specific, but the likelihood of Sioux blood running through my veins became a probability because of where my grandmother was born and raised and what was happening in American history at that time.
Still, because of the lack of hard evidence, it’s all speculation. Mulling over these aspects and what has happened in life since those days, I doubt it makes all that much of a difference anymore. My son seems to have the right mindset on this subject. He’s not only Native American on my side, but also the same on his father’s. When someone asks him what his heritage is, his reply is, “I’m American.”
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